Welcome to your Kaleidoscope Minds newsletter. This month I want to focus on how we can help to keep our cups topped up. We cannot pour from an empty cup, if we continue to try we start to feel exhausted, it affects our mood, we become ill and eventually struggle to function.
Our lives are just so busy! We are expected to go to work, keep our homes clean, keep ourselves clean, cook, look after our families, look after the pets, eat the right things, exercise, pay the bills, make that appointment. The list goes on and on. Naturally the majority of people end up making sure that everyone else is looked after first, we make sure that their cup is topped up, but then don’t top up our own. If we’re empty, we cannot be there 100% for others. If we want to be there for our loved ones, we have to look after ourselves. Self-care is NOT selfish!
Looking after our well-being is one way of topping ourselves up. I know what you’re thinking, “Well how am I supposed to fit that in as well?” I hear you. But this can start with just 5 minutes before you go to bed, start small and gradually build up as and when you can.
Here are my 5 simple exercises to try that only needs 5 minutes of your time:
Before you go to sleep write down between 3 – 5 things that you are grateful for. We all have things that we will be and should be grateful for. It could be something so simple like that first cup of coffee at the start of the day, that stranger who smiled at you as you were stressed and frantically trying to get the kids to school, getting to catch up on a Netflix series you’ve really wanted to watch, a soak in a nice hot bubble bath. These don’t have to be major things, just something that when you stop and reflect on your day what made you smile and feel just a little bit brighter.
Write down EVERYTHING that is draining you. This might look and feel quite daunting at first, but it is really important that you do add everything. Next, I want you to really look at what you can cross off. There will be things that you absolutely can’t and that is okay, but this is why you need to look at how /where you can keep your cup topped up. From your list how many of those are not your things to worry about? Have you got things on your list that a friend or relative has shared with you and you’ve been worrying for them? Release it! Are there any things on that list that you’ve been putting off and putting to the back of your list? Get it done! It feels so much better when it’s out of the way. Are any of those things a ‘what if’ worry? Can you let that go or match it a positive what if? Even if you only cross 2 or things off your list you’re saving a little for you. Try to do this weekly, you will be surprised how much your list will change and how easier it gets to let go of things that are draining your cup that don’t need to be.
Mindfulness drinking. This is a really lovely mindful activity that you can do anywhere at any time, all you need is a drink. It can be hot or cold, even water will work. Hold your glass or cup, close you eyes and really notice how it feels in your hands. Is it smooth or bumpy? Hot or cold? Do this for a minute or two. Take a sip and hold the liquid in your mouth, again what do you notice? What does the drink feel like in your mouth. Notice any sensations that come up, the flavours, tastes. Does the drink have a smell? Is it comforting or refreshing? This activity again only needs to be a few minutes, and lets face it we all need to have drink so it doesn’t need to take any extra time out of your busy day to give this a try. This activity just helps you to stop your busy brain and slow down a little whilst you really appreciate that drink.
Dance! Stick on your favourite tune, turn it up and just dance. You can do this on your own, with a friend, in the kitchen, in the living room, anywhere! Let those endorphins, those happy hormones lift your spirits.
Journalling - I will do more on this in the next newsletter.
Positive quote for the month
"Let go of who you think you're supposed to be; embrace who you are" - Brene Brown
Positive Affirmation of the month
I am stronger than I believe I am.
If you have any suggestions or topics for future newsletters do not hesitate to drop me a message.
Sending love & light,